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Plant Diversity Co.

Full season Cover

The Insurance Policy with Mother Nature Blend


A blend of warm & cool-season plant species provides an insurance policy with Mother Nature. The result is a high-yielding, high-quality livestock feed - all while improving soil health & reducing input costs.

To learn more about the benefits of having C4 plants & C3 plants in the blend, click here.


Dark Blue: Cool Season Plants Light Blue: Warm Season Plants

Full Season Cover

plant Species in blend

Our most popular blend. Lower input costs, provide a balanced feed ration & improve soil resiliency with this blend of warm & cool season plants. Regrowth.

Seeding Rate: 60 Ibs/acre SKU: 2000 Ib Tote

Seed Tag: Click Here

Inoculant Required: Learn More

FCC Financing is now available for 2023-2024 seed purchases.




See below for the most frequently asked questions regarding the Full Season Cover.

  • If applying Nitrogen fertilizer, keep below 40 Ibs/acre actual.

    A multi-species rhizobium inoculant is required. (NDURE)

    Important To Note: Excess nitrogen fertilizer will inhibit legumes from establishing a relationship with rhizobium bacteria. This relationship needs to be established for later season vegetation and growth.

  • To maximize plant diversity, delaying seeding until end of May (or soil temperature between 6-10 degrees C) is recommended to ensure a diverse stand.

    Seed the Full Season Cover at a seeding depth of 3/4 inch - 1 inch

  • The Full Season Cover will reach full biomass potential about 60 days after germination. Due to plant diversity and indeterminate species, the window for silage is much wider than a monocrop forage. Please refer to our Silage/Dry Hay protocol on this page for more details.

    Cut Early: Less biomass, more regrowth, higher protein.

    Cut Later: More biomass, less regrowth, lower protein.

  • Expect a balanced feed ration of energy & protein due to high energy cereals & high protein legumes.

    Range depends on harvest timing.

    Protein: 11.0-16.0

    TDN: 60-65

  • Yes. You can expect 7-10 days dry down time. Feed quality & palatability will be slightly lower than silage.

  • Plant species in the Full Season Cover have been selected to maximize regrowth potential for late fall grazing - a balanced, diverse cattle feed (energy + protein).

    High Precip: Expect Cool Season plants to compose the majority of regrowth biomass.

    Low Precip: Expect Warm Season Plants to compose the majority of regrowth biomass.

    If you want more re-growth, cut early. If you want more winter forage with less grazing, cut later.


The Agronomy

A blend of C4 & C3 Plant species

If hot/dry conditions are present, warm-season plant species will accumulate biomass. If cool/wet conditions are present, cool-season plant species will accumulate biomass. Why?

  • Warm Season Plants (C4) evolved in hot/dry environments.

  • Cool Season Plants (C3) evolved in cool/wet environments.

Notice Sorghum Sudan, a Warm Season Grass (C4 Plant) capturing sunlight above the canopy in 30+ degree conditions.


Depending on soil temperature, soil chemistry, and environmental conditions present, a different spectrum of plant species in the canopy is always expressed.

This is why plant diversity is an insurance policy with Mother Nature.


Full Season COVER

Seeding Best Practices

STEP 1: If weed pressure is an issue or you have a history of problem weeds on the field you selected, we recommend a pre-burn herbicide application (with no residual). Do not plant on fields with kochia problems.

STEP 2: If applying Nitrogen, keep below 40 Ibs/actual. A multi-species rhizobium inoculant is required. Excess nitrogen fertilizer will inhibit legumes in establishing a relationship with rhizobium bacteria. ‘

STEP 3: Do not broadcast. Target 3 ⁄4 of an inch or up to 1 inch if moisture is available. The larger seeds will “give way” to the smaller seeds in the blend. Do not bury the blend 2-3 inches into the ground.

STEP 4: Waiting for ideal soil temperatures ( 6-10 degrees C) allows the warm season species to establish & avoid frost risk - increasing the potential for yield, feed quality & drought resilience.

Full Season Cover

Harvest Options

For higher protein & palatability, harvest early. For higher yield & TDN, harvest later. The blend provides flexibility depending on your farm goals.

Image: Darlingford, Manitoba

Extend The Grazing Season

Graze The Regrowth

Plant species in the Full Season Cover have been selected to maximize regrowth potential for late fall grazing - a balanced, diverse cattle feed (energy + protein).

High Precip: Expect Cool Season Plants to compose the majority of regrowth biomass.

Low Precip: Expect Warm Season Plants to compose the majority of regrowth biomass.

*Moisture throughout the year will also determine regrowth potential.

Did You Know? 96 percent of a plant comprises three elements: Carbon, Hydrogen & Oxygen. (water & sunlight)

Full Season Cover

research/feed analysis

A balanced feed ration of energy (cereals) & protein (legumes).

  • To view the feed analysis research summary, Click Here.

*Reach out to your local dealer for more feed analysis results.

Full Season Cover

Plant Species In The blend

See below for some general information regarding each plant species in the blend.

Full Season Cover

Farmer Panel Perspectives

To view more Farmer Panel Discussions, click here.

Darwin Gork from Plumas, Mb discussing Return on Investment.

Chance Rothwell from Shellbrook, Sk discussing seeding implements.

Andy Keen from Darlingford, Mb discussing weeds.

Full Season Cover

Farmer Testimonials

To find testimonials from farmers across Western Canada who have implemented the Full Season Cover into their operations, click here.

You can find further farmer testimonials on social media via Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

Click on image to view Farmer Testimonials.

Full Season Cover

Local Farmer Meeting

If you’re looking for further education on the concept of multi-species cover crops for winter forage - consider attending one of our upcoming Local Farmer Meetings/Upcoming Events.

A great opportunity to network with like-minded farmers from your area.

Click on image to view upcoming dates of events near you.

Remember to ApPly



Remember to apply for the OFCAF funding, where you may be eligible to recieve $35.00/acre (max. $75,000) for adopting multispecies cover crops on your operation. Click here for help getting the process/application started.

Funding will differ across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, & Alberta.




Interested in Learning More?

Contact Us

Feel free to contact a member of Our Team to discuss where this blend might fit your operation.