Spring Triticale

Spring Triticale


Cool Season Grass

Can produce high levels of dry matter under challenging conditions. Com. #1

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General Info

Plant Species

Cool Season Grass

Mycorrhizal Dependent?


Salinity Tolerance


C:N Ratio (vegetation)


Water Use




Common Intercrop

Hairy Vetch

Additional Information

C3 Grass

Key Benefits: Weed Suppressor, Nitrogen Scavenger, Forage Quality

  • The high yield potential and forage quality have made Spring Triticale an increasingly popular option for a wide range of livestock producers.

  • Does well in a wide range of soil conditions including lighter soils or areas with low to moderate levels of salinity.

  • Spring Triticale is a drought tolerant plant that performs well in limited moisture environments

  • Commonly intercropped with Hairy Vetch.

*Seller gives no warranty expressed or implied. All prices are subject to change without notice. All sales are final. No refunds.

Source: Lichtenegger, E. (Erwin) (Wurzeldarstellungen)