Plant Diversity Co.
Annual Blends
Our lineup of annual multi-species cover crop forage options can lower input costs, provide a balanced feed ration & transform your soil to infiltrate & hold water.
Our most popular blend. A 15-species blend of warm & cool season plants provides an insurance policy with Mother Nature.
Use: Silage, Dry Hay, Grazing
Regrowth: Yes
Seeding Rate: 60 Ibs/acre SKU: 2000 Ib Tote
NDURE Inoculant must be applied.
Corn Silage Intercropping
Forage Soybeans LS
Do you grow corn silage?
Forage Soybeans LS contain the round-ready herbicide trait, which makes this an easy-to-implement intercropping strategy to increase protein in your silage pile, provide extended grazing & increase residual nitrogen.