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Plant Diversity Co.

The Grain Farmer

Reduce Input Costs & Improve Soil Health


Explore how plant diversity can address some of the biggest challenges we face on the farm, such as salinity, compaction, soil erosion, lack of biodiversity, insect pressure & water infiltration.


A convenient blend of salt-tolerant annual & perennial plant species selected for their EC (electrical conductivity) tolerance to help you best manage salinity.

Use On The Farm: Areas of Salinity

We have adopted this companion cropping practice from Europe that can be a key component of your Integrated Pest Management strategy for flea beetles.

Use On The Farm: Companion crop w/ canola

A fall-seeded annual cover is a great introduction to the world of plant diversity. Remember to keep expectations in check, as sunlight & moisture are always limiting factors.

Use On The Farm: Erosion, Balanced C:N Ratio

2024 Growing Season

Plant Diversity Strategies

Some easy-to-implement strategies to help get you started on your plant diversity & soil health journey.

The Problem: Limited Sunlight In Fall To Establish Cover

The Solution: Low Growing Legumes

Relay cropping a legume into cereal is an easy-to-implement practice to “pre-establish” a fall cover crop. This is advantageous in our northern climate.

The Problem: High Fertilizer Prices & Low Profitability

The Solution: Intercropping With Legumes

Learn from fellow farmers across Western Canada who are using plant diversity to minimize risk, balance the C:N ratio, & and improve farm profitability.

The Problem: Water Infiltration

The Solution: 15 Species Full Season Cover

Balancing the Carbon: Nitrogen ratio with plant diversity allows microbes to build soil aggregates. Stable soil aggregates allow for water infiltration & holding capacity.


Contact us

Don't hesitate to contact a member of Our Team to explore how these blends and strategies could fit your farm.