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Forage pea/Canola

Cool SEASON legume & cOOL sEASON broadleaf


Forage pea/canola


Intercrop peas with a more stable, upright plant (trellis) to reduce lodging and decrease the chance of fungal pathogens.

  • Pea provides nitrogen for companion crop (reduced inputs)

  • Large seed size makes for easy separation

  • Balance C:N (Legume + high carbon companion)

  • Take advantage of the evergrowing speciality pea market. (cover crop market)



* Disclaimer: these are only guidelines we have adopted from our own experiences with this intercrop. Each environmental condition will be different and encourage you to try your own rates and practices you are comfortable with.


Forage pea/canola

seeding information

  • 2 Ibs of Clearfield Canola

  • 55 Ibs of 4010 Forage Peas

  • Pea Inoculant

  • Fertilizer applied: Crystal Green Phosphorus

Forage pea/canola

herbicide management

  • Pre-emerge glyphosate

  • Oddysey + Assure

  • Pre-harvest reglone

  • No fungicide applied but a micronutrient package is recommended at early flower (pea timing)

Forage pea/canola

harvest options

Separation: was done by a 7 cylinder Kwik Kleen. Once the settings were adjusted and the kinks were worked out, the separation was fast (up to 2000 bu/hr) It was separated off the combine.

Harvest: 28 bu/acre of forage peas ($13.50/bu) and 9 bu/acre of canola.

Harvestability: Combine was set for canola settings. Clean sample. Few splits.



Forage pea/canola

most common mistake/advice

Although the canola did a good job holding the peas up throughout most of the field, there were parts where the peas overwhelmed the canola stand and pulled everything to the ground. We will try a higher rate of canola next year.